
The international conference on Intelligent Systems and Pattern recognition is endorsed by the International Association for Pattern Recognition "IAPR"




The Three top best  papers honored by the " IAPR Best Papers Award " are :



1#  Fayçal Abbas, Mehdi Malah and Mohamed Chaouki Babahenini. "Attentional conditional generative adversarial network for ambient occlusion approximation" 


2#  Runwu Shi, Shichun Yang, Yuyi Chen, Rui Wang, Jiayi Lu, Zhaowen Pang and Yaoguang Cao. "Road Recognition for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Intelligent Tire and SE-CNN"


3#  Hicham Bellafkir, Markus Vogelbacher, Jannis Gottwald, Markus Mühling, Nikolaus Korfhage, Patrick Lampe, Nicolas Frieß, Thomas Nauss and Bernd Freisleben." Bat Echolocation Call Detection and Species Recognition by Transformers with Self-Attention"



Morever , extended versions will recommended for the possible publication in the Pattern Recognition Letters Journal, Elsevier, which has an impact factor of 3.756, indexed & listed in mor than 11 leading indexes and databases includingScopus (elsivier)DBLP, Web of Science, ACM Computing Reviews, Inspect ...etc.  



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